Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Class Evaluation

I liked a lot of things about this class. One of them was that I learned how to type without looking at the key board. I also enjoyed how Mr. Haymore taught us how to become CTR students. Also the stories that he told us whether it was a personal experience or he heard about it. I enjoyed when everyone was done with their work because we had free time after. We also got to learn new things when we worked on Student Success Statements. 

Some of the things that I didn't enjoy about this class was that sometimes I didn't have enough energy and I would get bored at times. I also didn't like that we couldn't talk to others in this class while working on our work. We could multitask at the same time. 

One way to improve the class is by changing new seats so that we have the chance to meet new people, That is probably the only recommendation that I could suggest. 

A highlight for me in this class was when Mr.Haymore chose random kids in the class to take out their CTR cards to check if they had them.

I personally tried my best in the class. Specially in typing tutor. Also in my reflections.

I read my life planning goals mostly daily for about 10 minutes.

I can probably be comitted to be a CTR person. It is not as easy to be a CTR person 24/7. But I can try my best to become one. 

Monday, December 12, 2016

“When you Tell One Lie, it leads to Another”

Paul Hatch is trying to explain that if you start lying once you will do it again even if you don’t mean to do it. You will begin to feel comfortable and repeat it again. It will then become a habit. For instance, let us say that you want to go over a friends house. Although in order to go you need to do all your homework. Your parents then ask you if you have finished and you have trouble deciding whether you should lie to them or not. So you say you are done and they let you go. You will then feel guilty. The next time you want to go it will be easier for you to lie. From there the lies will begin.

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Thursday, December 8, 2016

The Sting of the Scorpion

A young boy named Patrick Kearon and his family had went on a trip. Patrick wanted to go for a walk. So instead of wearing his his shoes he decided to wear sandals. When he started walking a scorpion had stinged him. His parents rushed him to the nearest hospital. Eventhough it was 2 hours away. This should teach you that shouldn’t leave your parents without telling them. You should stay put unless parents permission is given.

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“Always do right”

To be a person you always have to do the right thing. To be a kind person, you always do the right thing. To become a leader you always do the right. The key to success is always choosing the right. This is what Mark Twain is trying to explain when he says his quote “always do right.” I agree with Mark Twain. I agree because you won’t get anywhere in life by being rude, disrespectful, dishonest, unfair, hateful, etc. For example if someone trips and falls and people surrounding him laugh, that would be a mean thing to do. That is why you should be the one to help the person out. If no one else is doing the right thing then you
do it.

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Tuesday, December 6, 2016

World War II

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Throughout the years from September 1, 1939 to September 2, 1945 there was related conflicts that cause a global war. World War II was fought between two groups of  countries. One side there were the Axis powers who included Germany, Italy, and Japan. On the other side were the Allies. They included Britain, France, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, India, the Soviet Union, China, and the United States of America. Events of World War II took place across the globe. Most of the action took place in Europe, East Asia, and islands in the Pacific Ocean. One of the major events that occurred during World War II is when Hitler invaded Poland in September 1939. To honor and show respect  for the World War II veterans we can spread the word about how much good they did. You also shouldn’t do the Natzi sign.

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Friday, December 2, 2016

Challenges teens Face Today

Some of the challenges teens face today is frustration in school. Maybe they go through bullying in school. Maybe they choose to follow the wrong side instead of doing what is right. I just so happen to be going through frustration in school. The fact that final grades are almost due makes me nervous and feel rushed. I’m trying my best to keep up with all of my work and concentrate. Being a CTR person helps me get better grades. I can help other people overcome their challenges by telling them to CTR.

Monday, November 28, 2016


“Kindness is the essence of greatness.” This was a quote said by Joseph B Wirthlin. This statement means that doing the right thing is you being a good person. You doing good deeds leads you to success. Being kind, responsible, honest, respectful, loyal are all an essence of greatness. For instance an essence of kindness that has came from me is volunteering at a place to give food to the homeless. Sometimes I don’t even volunteer. My mom and I will sometimes buy food, snacks and water to give out ourselves. I have also taken care of my grandmother when she had surgery and my mom was off to work. It was during summer and I would go over her house to help her clean, cook her some soup and do as much as I possibly could. These are the things that give an essence of greatness.
Thanksgiving Week
Last week for Thanksgiving break I joined my aunt to go see her daughter’s soccer game. Unfortunatley the other team canceled and I never got to see her play. The day after I went  shopping to the market to buy groceries for Thanksgiving dinner. When we got home my mom started cooking the food with the help of my aunt and my grandmother. I reunited with the rest of my family. For instance, my cousins, my uncles, aunt, and grandparents. We all sat at our dining table as a big family, gave thanks for all that we have, and ate delicious food. We had ham, mashed potatoes, gravy, biscuits, pie, etc. We then played a few games all together. I watched a movies with my brothers and cousin while the adults talked in the living room. Then we didn’t go to sleep until two in the morning. The next day we woke up exhausted and didn’t feel like doing much. So we layed in bed all day with our blankets watching movies and it fit perfect with the cold weather. Then I catched up on all of  my homework. During the night i went out to the park and ran a few miles. That was pretty much the overall story of my Thanksgiving break.

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Thursday, November 17, 2016

Don't do it Don't say it

"If it is not right, do not do it; If it is not true, don't say it.'' This quote was stated by Marcus Aurelius. I agree with this quote because you doing what is not right can get you into trouble. Or saying what is not true will have fatal reprecusions. This statement is informing you not to do something that you later on regret. Or don't do something that you know is wrong but is popular. Don't lie to someone because you don't know what to say. For example, if a group of friends are going to ditch school and they ask you to join, you should not accept because it isn't the right thing to do. If they ask you, you shouldn't even have friends like that. Or if there are rumors spreading around in school about your friend and you know it is not true and if she asks you, you shouldn't continue the rumors, you should stop them.

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Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving Day

In 1621, the Plymouth colonists and Wampanoag Indians shared an autumn harvest feast that is acknowledged today as one of the first Thanksgiving celebrations in the colonies..It wasn’t until 1863, in the midst of the Civil War, that president Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national Thanksgiving day on November. For more than two centuries, days of Thanksgiving were celebrated by individual colonies and states. Thanksgiving is the time to be with your family and appreciate the things you have.
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Personally I am thankful for many things. Sometimes it may not seem like it but I appreciate everything I have. One of the many things I am thankful for is having good health. I may not be the ‘’healthiest’’ person but I have good health. I’m also thankful for having the best family. My family sometimes manages to get me what I want, but always makes sure I have what I need. I’m thankful for having a roof over my head. I’m thankful for having another plate with food on my table. I’m also thankful for having supportive, funny, encouraging, loving friends by my side.

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Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Student Success Statement

“Doing what is right, fair, and honorable is more important than winning or losing.’’ This statement was stated by Chick Moorman. I agree with the quote Chick Moorman said. Doing what is right is being honest, respectful, loyal, responsible etc. When you choose the right you will feel great instead of feeling lousy when you lie or are disrespectful. For instance, if you cheat on a test from a honest hardworking student, having the exact same answers your teacher will eventually find out. Let’s assume she ask both of you if you cheated. You respond with the answer of no when you obviously did, and you get away with it. It is better getting a zero on the test than feeling like a cheater and having that thought in your conscience. If you are honest you will mentally win. If you lied but received a high score, you lose.

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Thursday, November 10, 2016

The quote “Honesty is the best policy’’ was once stated by Mark Twain. This quote is stating that if you choose to lie it won’t get you anywhere. If you choose to tell the truth good things will come out of this. Honesty is better than telling a lie. No matter how hurtful the truth is. Lieing can send you to the principle’s office, a bad note home, punishment at home. Lieing has negative consequences. On the other hand, telling the truth has rewards.Even if it didnt have rewards it is the right thing to do. This is why i agree with the quote Mark Twain stated, ‘’Honesty is the best policy.’’

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Veterans Day

Veterans day is an official US public holiday observed annually that honors military veterans. Veterans day occurs on November 11. The purpose of veterans day is to remember and pay respect to all the men and women that died serving our country in a war. It is important to continue honoring veterans because it is a way of acknowledging the sacrifices they have made while serving their country. Some ways to show respect to veterans is to fly your flag American Flag, or you can attend a veterans day event.
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I think that veterans day is a good way to honor and appreciate the fact that people did good deeds for us now while sacrificing their life for us. These veterans deserve to be complimented and thanked for the outstanding work they have accomplished. It is a day where people should be more respectful to one another. We shouldn’t see this day as a day off of school. We need to take the time to appreciate what they have done for this country.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Student Success Statement

W.Clement Stone once said that there are 3 magic keys to living your life with integrity. Number 1 was, having the courage to say no. The second key was to have the courage to face the truth. The final key was to do the right thing because it is right. I personally agree with W. Clement Stone. I agree with these steps/keys to having integrity because integrity means being honest and having strong moral principles. Everything key that Clement said applies to having integrity.

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Friday, November 4, 2016

Student Success Statement
Shall be Wise

‘’He that walketh with wise men shall be wise, but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.’’ This statement seems accurate to me. I personally agree with this quote because if you hang out with a group of people who are respectful, responsible, honest, etc. you will learn from that group of people and follow their characteristics. Although if you are involved with people who smoke, drink,      or are rude, you will be influenced in a bad manner. So it is better to choose the option where you have a future ahead of you. If you choose the group where you get influence wrong, your life won’t be going anywhere. If you choose the right there will be opportunities everywhere for you.

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Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Student Success Statement
To do Good

‘’The best recreation is to do good.” This statement was stated by William Penn. This statement means that to do something new it is better to do it good than bad. For example, lets say you’re trying to ride a bike. You should at least try before complaining and getting scared. You shouldn’t just sit on the bike and wait for it to magically ride itself or get scared. I agree with William Penn. “The best recreation is to do good.”

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Monday, October 31, 2016

Student Success Statement

“Right is right, even if everyone is against it; and wrong is wrong even if everyone is for it.’’ This statement was said by William Penn. What this means is that even if everyone chooses to do the bad thing it doesn’t mean that it is the best thing to do. Choosing the right is always the best thing to do. For example, if 2 people choose to bully a person and more and more people tag along, and by then there are 10 people bullying the person that is choosing the wrong. Although if you’re the only one who chooses to help that person out but no one joins you it doesn’t mean you’re doing a bad thing. In fact you’re the only one doing good. I agree with William Penn. ‘’ right is right, even if everyone is against it;and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it. Choosing the right is always the best thing to do.

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Thursday, October 27, 2016

Student Success Statement 
"Don't sacrifice what you want most for what you want now. Write down what you want most and see it often." This statement was stated by Peter Vidmar. This means that you should stay focused in a goal that you really want to achieve. So if you want to try out for basketball you should stay commited to practicing. 
School Homecoming

Homecoming is a tradition of welcoming back former students and celebrating a school’s existence. It is a tradition in many high-schools and colleges. Homecoming had its birthplace in Missouri at the university. The university has a rivalry with Kansas University. They decided to lighten up the rivalry with celebration and parades in which alumni were invited to “come home” to Mizzou. This is homecoming began and stayed.  We celebrate homecoming because former student or even students that already graduated high school come back to homecoming to celebrate, see their old friends, and remember the memories. Something related to homecoming is probably prom. A football game usually occurs a day before the homecoming dance which is why it is called the homecoming game. Some school homecomings involve flowers, dress, bill. I think homecoming is a nice way to welcome alumni to their school and have a great time with their friends.

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Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Student Success Statement
A Good Name

"A good name is better than anything you can achieve in this life.'' This was a quote stated by Mike Krzyzewski. Better known as coach k. He said this when someone asked what is better than winning 1000 games. I agree with coach k. I agree because 1000 no matter how many games won, it wont feel as good as the name you have for yourself. 
Careers in Spain:
  • Area Director
  • Civil Engineer
  • Business Advisor
  • Human Resources Assistant Manager
  • Auditor

Careers in England:
  • Business Analyst
  • Business Development Manager
  • Finance Manager
  • Design Engineer
  • Consultant

Careers in Japan:
  • Investment Banking
  • Service Industry
  • Recruiter
  • Engineering
  • Information Technology

Reflection: I would like to work in a different country if possible because i would want to compare the difference between here in the US and somewhere different. I would also want to experience a different culture.

Friday, October 21, 2016

''A Good name if rather to be chosen than great riches."

What does this statement mean? It means that you need to choose a good/ better name for yourself. You need to choose a name for your actions. For instance if you are a disobedient name you shouldn't have a great name for yourself. If you're obedient and respectful you should have a good name. Find a name that goes with your personality.

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Health Educator
Duties and Responsibilities:
A health educator promotes, maintains, and improves individual and community health by assisting individuals and communities to adopt health behaviors. May also serve as a resource to assist individuals, other professionals, or the community and may administer fiscal resources for health education programs.
The median annual health educator salary is $59,194 as of September 30, 2017. With a range usually between $51, 719 - $66,516. However this can vary widely depending on a variety of factors. For instance education, experience, etc.
The required education a health educator needs is a bachelor’s degree or higher in health education, public health education or health promotion. Other requirements include a pass certified health education specialist exam. Also projected health (12% for health educators.)
Demand for this Profession:
Demands for this profession vary. Although  they typically have a high school diploma.

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I don’t think I would like to become a health educator because it was never an option.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Soccer Player
Duties and Responsibilities:
A professional soccer player entails assessing performance, maintaining equipment, participating in events, attending training, maintaining fitness, represent team and offering leadership. This profession has grown to become one of the most lucrative in terms of remuneration.
The average annual salary for soccer players in the MLS $148,693.26. This average varies by player position. Goalkeepers earn an average of $85,296.48. Defenders earn $109,119.21. Midfielders earn an average of $129,573.88.
No education is necessary to become a professional soccer player. For example Cristiano Ronaldo who has played soccer for Manchester United, is uneducated. Although he joined the Sporting Lisbon academy at the age of 12 for training in soccer. Many professional soccer clubs have academies that train young players.
Demand for this Profession:
Anyone wishing to become a professional soccer player must have a great deal of technical skill, be in superb physical condition, develop excellent tactical knowledge and ability and be psychologically prepared for life as a professional soccer player. Once all these requirements are fulfilled, an aspiring professional soccer player needs to perform well at professional team try-outs.

Reflection: Do you think you would become one? Why or why not?

It would be really interesting becoming a soccer player but I don’t think that it is the career for me because I don’t think I would have the skills or qualifications. 

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Student Success Statement

Noemi Trigueros once said "A CTR champion is a person who makes a great human out of himself." I agree with this formal student. Noemi Trigueros is makes a good statement because a person who did bad wouldn't succeed as much or at all like a CTR person. A CTR person would go above and beyond at the standards that need to be accomplished. For instance if you ever choose to do a bad thing like cheat on a test you're not a champion in any way even if you got a good grade. On the other hand if you were the person who studied and got a good grade that is a true champion. A true champion is a person who does the right thing all the time. A true champion is a CTR person. There are many examples to fit into this quote. I agree with Noemi Trigueros with the statement "A CTR champion is a person who makes a great human out of himself."

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